
Découvrez tous les projets de LIFE accomplis grâce à vous !

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Ils parlent de nous
Echo Oriental talks about LIFE ONG

Echo Oriental relates our distribution of school kits in Tambacounda in Senegal.

Ils parlent de nous
Planet talks about LIFE ONG

Planète gives us affordable actions to adopt to reduce our carbon footprint and talks about our NGO LIFE and its reforestation work to fight against climate change.

Ils parlent de nous
Ecological pact talks about LIFE ONG

Pact Ecological talks about our environmental actions component with our SAPOUSSE program.

Ils parlent de nous
Ouest France talks about LIFE ONG

Ouest France talks about the expedition of Mohamed Merad Boudia in collaboration with our NGO LIFE.

Ils parlent de nous
Medi1Radio talks about LIFE ONG

Medi1Radio talks about our NGO LIFE, its actions and its 15 years of existence.

Ils parlent de nous
Save the Planet talks about LIFE ONG

Save the Planet presents us with 10 daily actions that contribute to protecting the planet! The reforestation campaigns of our NGO LIFE are highlighted.

Ils parlent de nous
Master Environment talks about LIFE ONG

Master Environment discusses the essential role of reforestation in the context of climate change and cites the action of our NGO LIFE.

Ils parlent de nous
Le Petit Journal talks about LIFE ONG

Le Petit Journal highlights the action of our NGO LIFE in the field of access to education for all.

Eau 💦
Access to clean water in the world: our ultimate guide

Diversity of resources, challenges and innovative solutions are at the heart of this guide on access to drinking water in the world!

Sustainable tourism: 10 benefits for empowering communities

Sustainable tourism offers a multitude of benefits for the empowerment of local communities. We have the power to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for all!

Education 📚
Wartime education

Wartime education is a fight for the future. Let's work together for a world where every child can learn in peace.

9 Keys to Empowering Local Communities

Here are the 9 essential keys to enable local communities to take control of their destiny, to be autonomous and resilient.

Environnement 🌱
Indonesia: bamboos against global warming

What if bamboo was the solution against global warming? To find out, let's follow our NGO LIFE who plants them in Indonesia on the island of Lombok!

Environnement 🌱
Trees for more resilience in Madagascar

Our NGO LIFE supports Malagasy farmers by planting trees that generate additional income and are good for the ecosystem.

Ils parlent de nous
Natura Sciences talks about LIFE ONG

Natura Science interviews our specialist in the construction of drinking water wells, Attaher Souleymane, on their essential role in a context of drought.

Volunteering: committed youth

The younger generation is getting up and getting more and more involved in volunteering. Associations need their energy, their enthusiasm. How do they attract and retain them? ‍

Ils parlent de nous
ORTC TV talks about LIFE ONG

The ORTC, the Comoros Radio and Television Office, talks about our emergency action with the victims of storm Hidaya.

Madagascar: crises, challenges and humanitarian aid

Madagascar is facing multiple crises including political instability, poverty, environmental emergencies and natural disasters. They hinder its socio-economic development, but also represent opportunities for action and progress.

Environnement 🌱
Agri-food training for Senegalese youth

The “From field to table” project aims to provide training to young Senegalese people in the agri-food sector and to contribute to the economic development of the Sine-Saloum region.

Ils parlent de nous
The Comoros Gazette talks about LIFE ONG

Our NGO LIFE is intervening urgently in Comoros after the bad weather in April. The Comoros Gazette reports it.

Eid al-Adha 2024: a celebration of solidarity and generosity

Eid al-Adha is much more than just a religious holiday! It is a symbol of faith, generosity and solidarity.

Environnement 🌱
The challenges of reforestation by Robin Duponnois, microbiologist

Robin Duponnois, microbiologist, talks to us about the challenges of reforestation.

Ils parlent de nous
Miroir Social talks about LIFE ONG

Miroir Social devotes an article to the crucial role of associations in France and cites our NGO LIFE as an example.

Ils parlent de nous
Bellacio talks about LIFE ONG

Bellacio retraces the career of our NGO LIFE: born in a working-class neighborhood in the Paris region, it has become a reference international humanitarian organization.

Boats for a better life: Boat for Livelihood

Boat for Livelihood, is a socio-economic development and environmental protection project initiated by our NGO LIFE in Bangladesh

Ils parlent de nous
The Comoros Gazette talks about LIFE NGO

The Gazette des Comoros talks about the trip to Comoros by Samia Orosemane and Redouane Behache with our NGO LIFE.

Ils parlent de nous
Beur FM talks about LIFE ONG

Beur FM interviews our president and highlights our action in the fight against hunger and our emergency humanitarian operations.

Ils parlent de nous
Le360 talks about LIFE ONG

Le360, Moroccan media, talks about our NGO LIFE, which orchestrated the solidarity convoy in Asni, a sector affected by the earthquake in September 2023.

Environnement 🌱
The impact of deforestation on mangroves and the urgency of their restoration

Mangroves are essential ecosystems, but they are in danger. Solutions exist to preserve and restore them.

Ils parlent de nous
Educavox talks about LIFE ONG

Educavox cites our NGO LIFE for its action to develop access to drinking water in the world.

Ils parlent de nous talks about LIFE ONG discusses the current challenges in the humanitarian world and cites our NGO LIFE as an example of an innovative actor.

Ils parlent de nous
LIGHT TV talks about LIFE ONG

LIGHT TV, a Senegalese television, highlights the distribution of essential foodstuffs by our NGO LIFE in the town of Djida Thiaroye Kao.

Ils parlent de nous
Flach 24 talks about LIFE ONG

Flach 24, Moroccan television, talks about the solidarity caravan organized by our NGO LIFE and the Future Caravane association.

Ils parlent de nous
Conservation Nature talks about LIFE ONG

Conservation Nature tells us about reforestation and the various tree planting operations carried out by our NGO LIFE.

Ils parlent de nous
RFI talks about LIFE ONG

RFI talks about our NGO LIFE, which participated in the event “Le grand Tour Solidaire de France” on March 28, 2024 in Paris.

Ils parlent de nous
Steemit talks about LIFE ONG

Steemit highlights our actions in favor of access to clean water, education and food security.

Ils parlent de nous
Le Journal du Net talks about LIFE ONG

How is the humanitarian sector doing today? How is our NGO LIFE positioned? We are talking about it with Le Journal du Net!

The impact of latrine construction on public health in developing countries

Latrines, much more than simple conveniences, are a major public health issue. Let's join forces to build a future where everyone can live in dignity.

Environnement 🌱
The importance of mangrove planting in the fight against climate change

Mangroves offer a simple but powerful solution to fight climate change!

Ils parlent de nous talks about LIFE ONG devotes an article to the humanitarian approach of the NGO LIFE centered on the needs of local populations and their empowerment.

Ils parlent de nous
Guinea Buzz TV talks about LIFE ONG

Guinea Buzz TV talks about the distribution of food packages by our NGO LIFE to support the victims of the fuel depot fire in Conakry, Guinea

Environnement 🌱
The best practices and challenges of reforestation by Jacques Plan

Jacques Plan, an expert in reforestation, answers our questions about reforestation.

Eau 💦
Water security in the world: challenges and opportunities

Water security in the world is a complex challenge. By working together, we can create a prosperous future for current and future generations.

Sécurité alimentaire 🍚
The impact of climate change on food security

Climate change is a major challenge for global food security. It is time to act! Let's join forces for a greener and fairer future.

Ils parlent de nous
La Tribune talks about LIFE ONG

La Tribune highlights the actions of our NGO LIFE in the fight against hunger, and more specifically its operation 1 euro = 1 meal

Ils parlent de nous
La Nouvelle Tribune talks about LIFE ONG

La Nouvelle Tribune highlights the operation 1 euro = 1 meal from our NGO LIFE

Ils parlent de nous
Up magazine talks about LIFE ONG

The article highlights the actions of our NGO LIFE, our desire to empower the populations helped.

Laylat al Qadr, The Night of Destiny

Laylat al-Qadr is a Ramadan night of paramount importance in the spiritual life of Muslims in France and around the world. Why?

Women's rights: between progress and challenges

The progress made in the pursuit of women's rights is undeniable, but there is still a long way to go. Together we can create a more just world.

Environnement 🌱
Let's save the environment from plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is a threat to our planet. It is time to act for a greener future!

The global migration crisis: causes, consequences and solutions

What is the migration crisis? How can we all build a more human future together?

Ils parlent de nous
The media Our Planet Info talks about LIFE ONG

Highlighting the crucial role of humanitarian NGOs in the global landscape of international solidarity.

Ils parlent de nous
The media La Voix du Nord talks about LIFE ONG

La Voix du Nord met en lumière notre engagement dans la lutte contre la faim à travers le programme 1 Euro = 1 Repas

Ils parlent de nous
Construction21 talks about LIFE ONG

Construction21 met en lumière nos actions novatrices dans la lutte pour l'accès à l'eau dans le monde.

Environnement 🌱
Environmental NGOs: key players in protecting the planet

Discover some key players in the protection of the planet.

Environnement 🌱
Reforestation: What do 6 forest and tree experts think?

Is reforestation a solution to restore environmental balance? The floor is given to David Happe.

Ils parlent de nous
ArabNews talks about LIFE ONG

The extraordinary journey of Mehdi Debbrah who embarked on a march from Paris to Algiers in tribute to his late father.

Ils parlent de nous
Economy Morning talks about LIFE ONG

The 4 areas of action of LIFE are highlighted.

Ils parlent de nous
Le Figaro talks about LIFE ONG

Nos actions, notre proximité avec la jeunesse et une interview vidéo de notre président Tarek El Kahodi !

Iftar: spiritual and physical benefits

Iftar is a blessed time that marks the daily breaking of the fast during the holy month of Ramadan. But it's much more than just a meal.

Ils parlent de nous
The Journal of the Economy talks about LIFE ONG

The president of our NGO LIFE, Tarek El Kahodi, the president of LIFE, underlines the humanitarian importance of access to water, particularly in sensitive regions such as Gaza in Palestine.

How do you calculate Zakat al-Fitr?

Let's explore what Zakat al-Fitr is, how to calculate it accurately and meaningfully, and what its benefits are.

Eid al-Fitr: celebration and spirituality

Let's discover together the profound meaning of this major holiday, the values it embodies and the innumerable benefits it brings to all practitioners.

Environnement 🌱
Greenwashing: Our ultimate guide

Plongez au cœur de la lutte contre le greenwashing avec notre guide ultime !

Education 📚
Sponsoring an orphan: offering hope and a future

Becoming a sponsor means opening the door for a child to a future full of possibilities. It is a promise of transformation. By sponsoring an orphan, you are offering a springboard to a better future.

Ils parlent de nous
The media “Média Terre” talks about LIFE ONG

Our NGO is distinguished by its unwavering commitment to local development.

Civic engagement: why is humanitarian aid attractive?

What are the motivations behind citizen engagement in humanitarian aid, its psychological, social and ethical aspects?

Human rights: current challenges

Quels sont les nouveaux enjeux des droits de l'homme ? Comment pouvons-nous ensemble travailler à les respecter ?

Top 5 social justice issues

Qu'est-ce que la justice sociale ? Quels sont les 5 enjeux principaux actuels ?

Environnement 🌱
Clean energy: a sustainable alternative for a better future?

Pourquoi les énergies propres sont-elles désormais incontournables ? Représentent-elles une alternative durable ?

Environnement 🌱
The media Consume sustainably talks about LIFE ONG

Comment rester au chaud tout en réduisant notre empreinte écologique ? Comment L'ONG LIFE s'engage dans la lutte contre le froid extrême.

Sadaqa Jariya: The charity that lasts

Nous croyons fermement en la puissance de la Sadaqa Jariya, une forme spéciale de charité qui transcende l'aide ponctuelle.

Environnement 🌱
The media talks about LIFE ONG

Une mise en avant de notre programme Sapousse visant à lutter contre la déforestation en favorisant le développement économique des communautés locales.

Ils parlent de nous
The media “media 24" talks about LIFE ONG

Le média "médias 24" a mis en lumière nos efforts collaboratifs aux côtés des associations Oulah El Khair, Sabil, et Radia dans un article.

Ils parlent de nous
The media Strategies talks about LIFE ONG

Notre ONG LIFE s'exprime sur la manière dont nous collaborons avec des créateurs de contenu engagés et reconnus.

Eau 💦
How can drilling a well transform a community?

Explorons ensemble les impacts positifs de la construction d'un puits.

Environnement 🌱
7 actions to take to respond to the global emergency

Découvrons 7 actions essentielles à entreprendre qui ouvriront la voie à une planète plus verte et résiliente.

Sécurité alimentaire 🍚
Food Waste: Our Ultimate Guide

Food waste is a major challenge that our society is facing today. Every gesture counts!

Environnement 🌱
6 simple actions to contribute to a greener planet

Les petits gestes de chacun peuvent faire beaucoup pour la planète ! Voici 6 pratiques écologiques, simples et efficaces à adopter.

International humanitarian law put to the test

Quels sont les défis auxquels se confronte le droit international ? Comment l'ONG LIFE s'engage à protéger les droits fondamentaux ?

Equal opportunities: a fundamental principle for a just world

Inequalities kill. They would contribute to the deaths of at least 21,300 people per day, or one person every 4 seconds.

Environnement 🌱
Biodiversity at risk: why do we need to act now?

Biodiversity is in danger. Time is running out! How can our immediate action make a difference?

Zakat Al Maal: 12 reasons to be generous

Zakat, one of the pillars of Islam, recalls the fundamental importance of giving.

Collaborating with local experts: the key to LIFE's success

At LIFE, we believe in the diversity of profiles and in the positive impact that we can create by working hand in hand with local talents with varied skills.

Maximizing our impact with a minimalist approach

At LIFE, our priority is to achieve a concrete and lasting impact. So we took a minimalistic approach to local infrastructure.

Humanitarian association: who can you trust?

How do you find a trustworthy humanitarian association?

Banking interest in favor of humanitarian aid

Do you want to share your bank interests with those who need them? It is possible to donate them to LIFE ONG.

LIFE ONG: Warning for excessive generosity

Rather than seeing the warning as an alert, at LIFE, we see it as an opportunity to give without limits. Generosity is at the heart of our mission.

LIFE ONG and other NGOs call for a ceasefire in Gaza

An article published by the media L'Humanité, highlights the call of several humanitarian organizations present on the ground in Palestine for a ceasefire in Gaza. We are proud to be among the signatories,

Refugees: what are the challenges they face?

How can we contribute to improving the daily lives of refugees?

Eau 💦
Together, let's build wells in Africa

Well drilling provides communities with what they need and even more: prospects for economic and social development.

Ils parlent de nous
RSE Magazine talks about LIFE ONG

Le média RSE magazine a interviewé notre Directrice Exécutive pour évoquer l'adaptation de LIFE aux bouleversements politiques et sécuritaires !

Environnement 🌱
5 facts about climate refugees

Every year, our planet is getting a little warmer, and the consequences are already visible. The ice is melting, fires are raging, storms are multiplying, and rising sea levels are eating away at our coasts. Behind these dramatic climate events lies a reality that is often overlooked, that of climate refugees.

Sadaqa: a form of generosity and positive impact

Dans un monde où la compassion et l'altruisme sont parfois relégués au second plan, la sadaqa illumine la vie de ceux qui en bénéficient.

Refugee camps: causes, consequences and solutions

The refugee camp crisis is a profound human tragedy that transcends borders.

Environnement 🌱
Global Warming: Our Ultimate Guide

Global warming is one of the major challenges our planet is facing today. So, ready to take action to fight global warming?

Environnement 🌱
Faced with the winter cold: 10 eco-actions to adopt

Voici 10 astuces efficaces pour lutter contre le froid de manière éco-responsable.

Zakat al Maal: A path to a fairer world

La Zakat al Maal, l'aumône sur la richesse, est l'un des cinq piliers de l'islam.

Donation association: 6 criteria to check the reliability of an NGO

il est primordial de s'assurer de la fiabilité et de l'efficacité d'une association ou d'une ONG avant de s'engager ou de faire un don.

8 inspiring French NGOs that do good 🧡✨

Découvrez les 8 ONG françaises inspirantes qui œuvrent, chacune dans leur domaine, pour construire un monde plus juste et plus solidaire.