Biodiversity at risk: why do we need to act now?

Imagine a world where biodiversity thrives, where all species, all ecosystems are preserved and full of life, a world in which humans live in harmony with their environment, with nature. This world is still possible if we all act together quickly to protect biodiversity. Because yes, the living fabric of our planet, of which we are a part, is facing challenges that we urgently need to meet by joining forces. Why is time running out and how can our immediate action make a difference?

Biodiversity is life!

We are all part of biodiversity and we would not be here without it! Did you know that it actually includes all forms of life, species and ecosystems and also includes the differences within the same species, its genetic characteristics? It's very simple, It is the foundation of life on Earth, from the smallest content of a cell to a set of communities of living beings interacting with their environments. Its wealth and fragility come from this breathtaking entanglement of interdependencies that has been built over millions of years. But If it took millions of years for it to become what it is, a few decades are enough to see it collapse. Everything is speeding up! But by acting together in the same direction, we can stop its fall! And the stakes are high!

Why should biodiversity be protected?

Biodiversity is at the heart of our lives. It is essential for the proper functioning of the planet. But it goes beyond that! Everything you do on a daily basis depends on it. Its decline is therefore bound to have repercussions on each and every one of us.

The source of everything

It is from it, from biodiversity, from nature, that we get the oxygen we breathe, the food we consume, the water we drink and the raw materials we use to shelter us, house us, and clothing us (wood, wool, cotton, etc.). It is in it that medicinal discoveries and remedies also reside.

Restoring the perfect balance

Healthy biodiversity maintains a balance between everything that makes up our planet., and provides us with a lot of great services that we are not necessarily aware of. These so-called ecosystem services wonderfully illustrate the essential bond between humans and her. Here are some very telling examples:

● Thanks to pollination, especially insects, we can eat vegetables and fruits. More than 75% of the crops used to feed the world's population depend on it.

● Wetlands reduce coastal erosion and mitigate the intensity of floods.

● Forests and oceans sequester carbon and thus fight against climate change. By destroying biodiversity and ecosystems, we increase our vulnerability to them, but also to new viruses as we have been able to experience with COVID-19. In fact,

17% of infectious diseases are Of animal origin whose contact with humans is favored by the destruction of their natural environments.

Why should we not wait any longer to act?

Everything has accelerated in recent years. Surely you hear a lot more about the peril of climate change than about the loss of wildlife and habitats, but these two crises are linked.

Everything is going very fast!

Animals and plants are disappearing at a rapid rate around the world. At this rate, 75% species will no longer be on Earth in 500 years. For illustration, 69% of vertebrate wild animal populations disappeared between 1970 and 2018! And no country is spared! In France, 30% of field birds disappeared in 15 years. In Canada, which has the greatest diversity of species, 281 of them are endangered! As for natural resources, the same discourse: water, oil, coal, coal, gas, minerals, forests have been exhausted by men. 80% of deforestation is due to agriculture according to the FAO five-year report on the state of forests. 66% of marine environments are deteriorated. We are talking here about the sixth mass extinction of living beings. Let's mobilize to make these disheartening forecasts lie!

How can biodiversity be protected?

If we all want to protect biodiversity effectively and quickly together, a holistic approach and collaboration between countries, governments, businesses, NGOs, local communities and individuals must be established. Here, everyone has a role to play at their level to ensure a future where they continue to thrive. Individuals, professionals, consumers, actors, all together, we will succeed in stopping its decline and in repairing living things. Because while the reasons for its deterioration are numerous, it is important to keep in mind that in the background, it is our lifestyles and economic systems that are at issue.

Joining forces to preserve ecosystems

Above all, we must mobilize to preserve natural environments. This involves reducing the artificialization of soils and the restoration of degraded ecosystems. What actions can contribute to this?

  • Increase the creation of protected areas such as national parks and nature reserves. They allow more and more species to live there without being threatened by human activities.
  • Reforester ! The forest is in fact the second largest carbon sink, but also the setting for rich biodiversity. At LIFE, with The Sapousse program, we multiply plantation programs with a positive impact in the world. Trees are planted while providing local people with livelihoods such as fruits and sustainable materials: these are so-called economic trees. Thanks to them, local communities benefit from regular incomes. They are also supported to ensure the sustainability of the project and the sustainable management of the trees.

To note : the European Union will adopt a law that plans to restore 30% of degraded land and marine surfaces by 2030.

Promote the sustainable management of resources together

Together, we must promote sustainable resource management practices, as consumers or actors. Sustainable fishing and agriculture, agroforestry, make it possible to meet current needs while ensuring that those of future generations are met.

Preventing through regulations

Our individual initiatives and those of associations are essential! So are strict laws. They ensure better protection of endangered species, fight against illegal wildlife trade, encourage the sustainable management of resources, the reduction of water, air and soil pollution, the development of industrial practices that respect nature, etc.

Fighting climate change

As said before, climate change and the decline in biodiversity are linked. Everything that will allow the reduction of greenhouse gases, the promotion of renewable energies, the implementation of adaptation strategies is there to contribute to the protection of biodiversity on a global scale.

Intensifying awareness and education

We only protect well what we know well! Safeguarding biodiversity is possible if the population is aware of its importance. We must work to raise its awareness, and encourage practices and initiatives. Collective will is needed. All over the world, local communities must be involved in the sustainable management of natural resources, while respecting ecosystems. Parents, businesses, governments, associations, the more numerous we are, the more successful our efforts will be.

International collaboration

Biodiversity knows no countries, no borders. Its protection requires collaboration between nations. Common strategies, international agreements, knowledge exchange, etc. are key elements in meeting global biodiversity-related challenges. The decline in biodiversity is not inevitable. Together we can turn the tide and preserve and celebrate this irreplaceable treasure of our planet. Every action in its favor is a seed planted for a greener, healthier and more harmonious future. So, let's not wait for others to act for us!

Together, let's protect living things. Join us in making a lasting difference!

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