Humanitarian association: who can you trust?

Do you want to contribute to making the lives of others better? Does donating to a trusted humanitarian association, a foundation, or an NGO speak to you in particular? Assistance for children, access for all to quality education, the construction of wells for access to drinking water, etc. It is clear that the causes are not lacking, but are you hesitant to get started? Are you wondering who to trust among the large number of organizations active in France and around the world?
Don't worry, it's not very complicated, nor very long, to find an organization that will transform your aspirations into concrete actions. Here are some essential criteria that it must meet.
The essential transparency of humanitarian associations
Could you trust an association or a humanitarian foundation that has things to hide? No, of course not. Transparency and openness are required in order to be able to give. How can they demonstrate it?
The basics: the publication of annual accounts
If you donate, you expect to know how your money is being used! The annual accounts of humanitarian associations give you the answers you want.. They provide donors with a clear and detailed view of how they manage their resources in order to achieve their goals. But that is not all. You will also find their sources of financing and the various cash flows there. All this information allows you to judge their effectiveness in carrying out their missions, and that the impact of each euro you are going to donate is maximized.
Finding these annual accounts should be simple.. Most of the time, you will find a sheet on the website of the association, NGO or humanitarian foundation. At LIFE, total transparency is a fundamental value that guides all of our actions. That is why we provide you with our annual accounts. They are subject to double validation. First, by an auditor, then by a General Assembly. It is composed of founding members, volunteers and donors. These accounts allow you to see that every euro you donate is used optimally for maximum impact.
Transparent finances
You have access to detailed financial information about the organization, but also to its distribution of funds. This allows you to verify that the association directs most of its resources to humanitarian programs and missions rather than administrative and operating costs. For your donations to reach the desired objective, they should not be used as unwarranted internal expenses.
Communication on all fronts
What better way to know and understand a trusted humanitarian association than to read information on its ongoing actions that change lives and on the impacts of its humanitarian projects?
Its active presence on social media and on its website allows it toensure the creation of a solid and lasting link with its community. Imagine engaging photos, inspiring videos, and real-time articles that reflect her ongoing engagement. It can also send out regular newsletters, keeping you informed of progress in the field.
What also really gives life to its mission are the testimonies of dedicated volunteers, committed influencers, and some donors who go to the field. Their authentic experiences are not only motivating, but they unite us in our quest for a better world.

Between legal status, network, label and accreditation
Your trust goes hand in hand with a quick understanding of the proper functioning of the chosen solidarity association and its organization, as well as its supporters and networks. They are synonymous with efficiency and integrity.
What is the legal status of humanitarian organizations?
Before turning to a particular trusted humanitarian association, take the time to check its legal status. She must be registered as a non-profit or public utility entity in its country of origin. This legal recognition is a sign of its compliance with current regulations. You can therefore be sure of its legitimacy. Go to the organization's website or the National Directory of Associations (RNA) published in the official journal to find this information.
LIFE For example, is declared in France as an association (law of 1)Er July 1901, recognized as a public utility.
What networks does the association belong to?
If you discover that the solidarity organization is affiliated with well-known networks, this confirms its legitimacy and seriousness, but also its influence. To be part of it, it must in fact respect collective commitments enshrined in a charter. Recently, our NGO LIFE joined the bundling Humanitarian Coordination and Development (CHD) and Coordination SUD.

Ethics and deontology above all
In addition, some trusted humanitarian associations, foundations and NGOs display A label and follow a code of ethics. In this way, they demonstrate their commitment to ethical standards and quality practices. It should be noted that an admissible label is issued by an independent body!
These include the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross or Red Crescent Movement. There is also the Alliance for Transparency and Responsibility in Aid (ATRA), or even in France the IDEAS or Don en Confiance labels. The latter was created in 1989 by major social and humanitarian associations and foundations.
The good reputation of the trusted humanitarian association chosen
When considering supporting a humanitarian cause, online research becomes your ally. It allows you to discover the true impact of a humanitarian association, an NGO or a foundation. The authentic testimonies, evaluations, and comments from donors and volunteers on its website, social networks, and discussion forums provide valuable information.
Nevertheless, Prudence is required. The source of information is crucial. For unbiased reviews, explore independent review websites. Among them, we can trust Charity Navigator or GuideStar, as well as fundraising platforms. There you will find detailed scorecards for each association listed.
Above all, never hesitate to contact directly the organizations you plan to support. A trustworthy and transparent organization is open to communication. She is ready to answer your questions.

On the agenda: respect and involvement of donors
You want to be recognized as a donor. Would you like the chosen humanitarian organization to accompany you throughout your career? From your donation to the concrete realization of the project you support, and even beyond, you would like her to be by your side. It is true that together, united in a spirit of solidarity, by uniting the forces of all stakeholders, the projects are progressing much better. So how can organizations do it?
This can involve setting up easily reachable teams, sending a tax receipt on time to be able to attest to your donation on your tax form, and especially regular communication on ongoing actions. At LIFE, for example, we offer GPS tracking in real time. It guarantees the Donor-LifeChanger to see when and where in the world their donation is transforming lives!
In addition, beyond your financial support, you may want to have a real experience, to be in action. What better way to do this than to go to the field as we invite you to do. An exceptional opportunity to see your impact live. And to get involved on a daily basis, we also suggest the creation ofa personalized collection page. It will allow you to be the ambassador of a project dear to your heart to your loved ones.
In the complex world of humanitarian organizations, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to which to choose. Everyone has their own criteria and values. However, there are essential elements to take into account in your selection process. By integrating them into your research, you can be assured that your gift will be used in a meaningful way. It will thus contribute to improving the lives of many people around the world. Make the choice that embodies your beliefs, because every action counts in our shared mission for a better world.
Do you want to join forces with a reliable and involved association? Join us and become a Lifechanger!