Up magazine talks about LIFE ONG
In a recent article, Up magazine addresses the delicate subject of the primary objective of humanitarian actions: to complete the mission and enable local populations to become autonomous.

LIFE, our organization, is mentioned as an example illustrating this approach. We share the vision that the autonomy of individuals and communities is essential. As Fanny Fernandes, our Executive Director, points out, our ultimate goal is to withdraw from the regions where we operate, leaving autonomous populations behind.
This approach, centered on co-creation and partnership with local actors, has guided our actions since our creation in 2009. By working closely with the communities supported, we work for their autonomous and sustainable development.
Up magazine also highlights the importance for humanitarian organizations not to create dependency, an aspect that we fully integrate into our approach. As an NGO, we are committed to supporting populations who need it while giving them the tools they need to become self-sufficient in the long term.
Join us in our mission by supporting LIFE ONG today.